No Goals–> Couch Potato

The ‘no-goal’ decision taken in my previous post Do we always need to have a goal?  is not working for me.

I tried hard to not to pick up a goal and lived like that. But I realized that without a goal, am pretty much a couch potato (Useless).

So like the comments on my post about -Short and long term goals, I’m going to do the exact opposite of what I started out to do. I am going to create some short and long term for myself:

  • Going to learn a new language: I always wanted to learn a new language. So I will just randomly pick on one language and try to learn at least the basic syllables so that I am able to, at least, converse at a basic level. Are you getting a Geek alert from me ?? Sorry am not one!


  • Learn to be with a pet: I know you’ll be thinking what a weird person. I must tell you I am literally afraid of all kinds of pets. So I am going to be with a pet and be very friendly with it. Fingered crossed !Will complete this without freaking out.


  • Learn a musical Instrument: This will go into my long term plan, as I know from my experience that learning a musical instrument takes practice -lots of it. So I have a keyboard at home, I’ll get it from my hometown when I go for Christmas. So sadly, it will shift to next year.


  • Go for morning walk: I have always been very health conscious. Evening jogs are my favorite. But recently, because of my work that is not possible and I am not a morning person. So somewhere drawing a line between my laziness and my work life, I’ll get up at 7:00am for morning walk from Monday (I can sleep till then, a girl needs to have her reward right?)


These are the goals that I can think of right now. It will evolve, I know with time, as I grow, as I go to new places and as I get to know more people .

Let me know about your goals and your struggles surrounding it. Will love to hear from you guys.

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